Legal News and Rulings

Legal News and Rulings From Rae and Company

Regulatory and Administrative Law

Five things to know about getting involved in regulatory hearings in Alberta

The Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) is the single regulator of energy development in Alberta. With a mandate to ensure energy activities are safe, environmentally responsible, ...

What Does “Duty to Consult” mean?

The “duty to consult” is a principle in Canadian law developed by the Supreme Court of Canada. When governments make decisions that could affect Aboriginal ...
Judicial review

A Quick Guide to Judicial Review

Judicial review is a legal procedure where a judge of the provincial or federal court reviews a decision made by an administrative board or tribunal. ...

Five FAQs About Mineral Rights

Most landowners have a clear understanding of their property boundaries – north, south, west, and east. But when it comes to ownership of what’s beneath ...

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